Saturday, October 5, 2024

Concept of Dependency ratio.

INTRODUCTION:- The term Dependency Ratio refers to the number of dependents every 100 persons. The total population of a region or a country is divided into two broad categories:- 
(1) Economically active population  
(2) Economically non-active population 

What is occupational structure? Classification and Importance of occupational structure.

INTRODUCTION:- Occupational structure falls under the economic composition of the population. It deals with the distribution of population based on economic characteristics. The occupational structure is referred to the aggregating or clubbing of different economic activities. In simple terms, the percentage of the population is employed or engaged in any economic activities.

Concept of Population Structure(Age sex Pyramid).

INTRODUCTION:- Population composition is referred to the physical, socio-culture, economic attributes of the population. It also refers to the distribution of population in various categories. Based on various socio-economic-biological characteristics like age, sex, religion, economic status, etc.

Content of Population Geography .

INTRODUCTION:-  In''geography of population'' G.T. Trewartha says, ‘population serves as the point of reference from which all other geographic elements are observed and from which they all singly and collectively derive significance and meaning.

What is Mortality ? Measurements and Major Determinants of Mortality.

INTRODUCTION:- Mortality has been defined as the permanent disappearance of all evidence of life at any time after birth has taken place (United Nations,1953). Death can occur only after live birth has occurred .therefore, for the purposes of mortality, all deaths before births are to be excluded. Not all countries follow this definition recommended by United Nations.

What is Morbidity ? Measurement and Importance of Morbidity.

INTRODUCTION:-The word Morbidity derives from morbid, from Latin word morbidus (“diseased”), from Morbus (“disease”), from the root of Mori (“to die”), or from Proto-Indo-European *mer- (“to rub, pound, wear away”). Morbidity is an essential concept in the health sciences in total and in epidemiology particularly. It is a universal concept that becomes understandable by its operational definition. Morbidity is the occurrence (or frequency) of diseases. So, Morbidity has been defined as ‘any departure subjective or objective, from a state of physiological well-being’.That means the extent of illness, endure, or disability in a definite population. The WHO Expert Committee On Health Statistics noted in its 6th report that morbidity could be measured in terms of three units- 
(1) Frequency- Incidence and Prevalence 
(2) Duration- Disability Rate 
(3) Severity- Case Fatality Rate 

Major Determinants of Fertility.

Determinants of fertility:- The attributes that form the fertility behaviors of the population in any region may, however, be concerned with biological, sociocultural, economic, or political matters. The major determinant of fertility or birth rate includes fecundity, age at marriage, marriage system, educational status, level of urbanization working status of females, religions faith social tradition and customs, income and standard of living, occupation, government policy, etc.

What is Fertility? Measurement of Fertility.

Definition:-  The term fertility denotes the state or condition of being fertile. The ability to conceive children is fertility. Fertility is the natural capability to produce offspring. In demography, fertility refers to the occurrence of birth. Fertility is one of the three fundamental components of population growth, the others being mortality and migration of the population. 

Concept of Dependency ratio.

INTRODUCTION:- The term Dependency Ratio refers to the number of dependents every 100 persons. The total population of a region or a coun...